I wasn't sure if I wanted to do a post on the ten year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina as it was one of the most traumatic times of my life. I first evacuated to Mississippi for a few sleepless nights. I then spent a week in Nashville glued to the television. I then finally ended up with friends in Chicago.

I was displaced by the storm for two months. I ended up being one of the extremely lucky ones as I had a home and job to come back to.
The one thing I remember most while I was evacuated in Chicago was if I talked to someone who had never been to New Orleans they asked me “You Are Not Going Back There Are You???” and if the person had been to New Orleans before they asked me “You Are Going Back Right????” Well, I will always come home to New Orleans..... My Home.
I plan to be in New Orleans for the first time in October. This post makes me look forward to it even more!