Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Beyonce lip-Synced National Anthem At The Inauguration, Kelly DID NOT!

A spokeswoman for the Marine Corp Band said it was standard procedure to record a backing track and Beyoncé decided shortly before her performance to rely on the studio version rather than risk singing it live on the Capitol.
Yo Yo Ma pre-recorded his cello performance in 2008 because the cold weather and wind may have affected the acoustics of his instrument. Vocal performers, however, typically do perform live despite January’s icy conditions.
“We did pre-record it and it was BeyoncĂ©’s decision at the last minute to go with the pre-recorded version,” said a spokeswoman for the band.
“We pre-recorded all music as a matter of course and have done since time immemorial,” she said. “This is our 54th inauguration… There is no question of there not being any music – it’s not because the performer cannot do it.”
Kelly Clarkson, on the other hand, sang live.

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