Thursday, July 5, 2012

Meet The New Cast Of 'Big Brother'

Willie Hantz, 34

Hometown: Vinton, La.
Occupation: Tankerman
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: To make as much confusion in the house in order to take the attention off of me.

Joe Arvin, 41

Hometown: Lexington, Ky.
Occupation: Chef
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I plan to use my cooking skills to help get me to the end. Every one loves to eat, never get rid of the cook!

Frank Eudy, 28

Hometown: Marion, Ark.
Occupation: None listed
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: Absolutely. Numbers are important, so I want to set up a “Dream Team,” all playing certain roles. I would need a Larry Bird, a good country boy or girl who’s honest and competitive; a Charles Barkley, an unmovable object possibly with a bit of a harsh attitude; a Patrick Ewing, somebody that knows the game and is reliable; a Michael Jordan, somebody who’s a baller that can win competitions; and me as Magic Johnson, friendly guy playing point and running the show.

Danielle Murphree, 23

Hometown: Grant, Ala.
Occupation: Nurse
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: To be considered someone that isn’t a threat and someone that doesn’t seem very smart. The people that are a threat are usually eliminated first.

Shane Meaney, 26

Hometown: Bennington, Vt.
Occupation: House flipper
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: Make friends with people in the house while maintaining my competitive nature… oh, and have fun!

Ian Terry, 21

Hometown: Pittsburgh
Occupation: Engineering student
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I want to make an alliance with about six people and I’d like to be seen as maybe the fourth-strongest in the group. That way it wouldn’t be me going up if the other side gained the power.

Jojo Spatafora, 26

Hometown: Staten Island, N.Y.
Occupation: Bartender
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: Of course I have a strategy, but is it smart to tell you? Is this a trick question?

Kara Monaco, 29

Hometown: Orlando
Occupation: Model
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I don’t know if you can really have a strategy when it comes to BIG BROTHER, but you have to be great competitively and socially.

Wil Heuser, 24

Hometown: Louisville, Ky.
Occupation: Marketing consultant
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I would probably not tell the other roommates my profession and play the “nice guy,” “someone you can trust” role. I think I would let alliances form first and then manipulate my way into control of the game.

Jodi Rollins, 42

Hometown: Englewood, Colo.
Occupation: Restaurant server
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I will let people underestimate me.

Jenn Arroyo, 37

Hometown: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Occupation: Musician
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: I’m going to be me. It’s a simple answer, but a fun, twisted puzzle to unfold.

Ashley Iocco, 26

Hometown: Pittsburgh
Occupation: Owner of a mobile spray tan company
Strategy for winning BIG BROTHER: Play everyone! I will come off as the dumb ditzy blonde, but take it to the end because I’m actually really smart and good at reading through people’s lies.

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